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When you’re pregnant you have enough to stress about. Trying to find the right books to read can just add unnecessary stress to your to-do list. But how will you know what books are important to read without reading through them all? We’ve connected with our...

Your due date is approaching and it is now time to start packing your hospital bag. It is a good idea to have your bag packed and ready by 36 or 37 weeks. Packing your hospital bag can be very overwhelming and the baby brain...

Let's talk about our navels, yes, our belly buttons! Firstly, let us tell you that is it totally normal for your belly button to change during pregnancy, usually around the end of your second trimester.  Your rapidly expanding uterus pushes your abdomen forward, making even the...

Having the correct bra size for your breasts is very important. During pregnancy, your body & breasts are constantly changing & therefore it is important to pay attention to what your body needs so that you can adapt quickly.  Wearing the wrong size bra can cause...

You are 12 weeks into your pregnancy and you can see your body is starting to change shape. You have “popped” and you suddenly have a very noticeable baby bump. You now find yourself looking in the mirror and asking yourself the question: how am...

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