28 Jul Hospital Bag Checklist
Your due date is approaching and it is now time to start packing your hospital bag. It is a good idea to have your bag packed and ready by 36 or 37 weeks. Packing your hospital bag can be very overwhelming and the baby brain does not help! If you don’t know where to start, we are here to help!
We have a great Hospital Birth Bundle where you can pick and choose items that will suit you best for your birth. This hospital bag checklist will help make your hospital bag packing that much easier!
It’s a good idea to separate bags between mom, dad and baby. We have listed quite a few things, obviously, everyone’s hospital bag will be slightly different, but feel free to use this as a guide.
What to pack for mom:
- Your birth plan – A birth plan is a written record of what you would like to happen during your labour and after birth. It can also include things you’d like to avoid. Print a few so that you have them on hand. Highlight important points to make sure everyone is on the same page.
- A robe/gown
- Toiletries such as; hairbrush, regular or dry shampoo, toothbrush and toothpaste, deodorant, lip balm, extra hair ties, face wipes
- Comfortable clothes for while you are in hospital – you want your favourite and comfiest clothes to wear after birth. We would recommend Maternity Tights, Harem Pants or a full-length Maxi Dress.
- Going home outfit. You want to make sure you not only look but feel your best after giving birth. You may want to consider a nursing dress or top for easy feeding.
- Slip-on shoes. Your feet might be swollen from IV fluids (and hey, pregnancy), so you’ll be thankful for shoes you can easily slip on.
- Drinks and snacks
- An extra-long cell phone charging cord
- Nipple cream
- Pillows and a bath towel
- Maternity Pads. Whether you’re having a natural birth or C-Section, bleeding from your womb (uterus) will start soon after your baby is born & Carriwell Maternity Pads offer total confidence and absolute protection.
- Portable Bluetooth speaker and your favourite playlist
- Slippers and socks
- Nursing bras
- Old underwear
- Any important paperwork you’ve been asked to complete by the hospital and/or for insurance
- Flip-flops for the shower
- Music, books or magazines, games, playing cards
- Notebook and pen
- Two prong plug for your phone charger
What to pack for baby:
- A car seat
- A going-home outfit
- Your paediatrician’s contact information
- Swaddle blankets
- Bottles, if you’re using
- Diapers and wet wipes
- Nail clippers/nail file
- Hats
- Small noisemaker
What to pack for dad:
- Lots of snacks!
- Book/iPad/laptop/headphones & general entertainment. Download a few new podcasts to listen to in case there is some downtime.
- A lightweight pillow – incase you are going to be there for a while.
- Toiletries
- Towel
- Change of clothes
- Pijamas
Enjoy this wonderful experience and enjoy making memories that will last a lifetime!
Happy packing!