06 Aug Three Top Secrets to Ease Back Pain during Pregnancy
With all that women have to go through during pregnancy, we can’t help but think that you could use a little bit of hope when it comes to back pain and secrets to relief. This is why we’re going to share three of our secrets with you to help ease back pain.
#1. Aside from making sure your favourite pants don’t fall down around your ankles because of your growing belly, a Bellyband has a large number of advantages varying from back support to money saver; from shirt extender to extra warmth on a chilly day. Let us also just take a moment for the back pain you are experiencing that you may feel you weren’t fully prepared for, we are here to tell you that WE are prepared for it. Bellybands can be ordered off the Bellyssimo website whilst you lay on your couch, relaxing. Trust us, the real thing will surpass your expectations! The colours Bellyssimo offers are Black, White and Grey, so if you are looking for the perfect range of colours to match any colour palette you have in your cupboard then – we have you covered.
#2. We get that additional weight with a little ‘baba’ growing inside you puts some physical strains on your body, so why not relieve yourself of those strains in a mentally and physically healthy way. We recommend some yoga stretches that are specific to back pain such as:
Downward Facing Dog – A good way to go into downward dog is to begin in the plank pose. Push back into downward dog. Let your heels and sternum fall further to the ground with each exhale.
Child’s Pose – Sit on your haunches, inhale as your lift your arms to the sky and exhale as you bring them the ground in front of you. You can do child’s pose with your knees together or apart, depending on what feels better for your back.
#3. These types of stretches will not only help ease back pain but will relieve you from any tension you may be feeling both physically and emotionally. Lucky for us, we have first hand knowledge of the insight that was behind this blog and we can guarantee you’ll be feeling fully rejuvenated after a few mornings of these stretches.
We strongly advise if you’re looking for a way to unwind at the end of your undeniably tiring day you could head to the Aroma Soothz Direct website and make sure you stumble across the (both powerful and natural) healing tool which is the Aroma Soothz Wheat Bags! We’ve heard the Soothing Sportz Wheat Bag in particular may just become your new best friend with its abilities to sooth, calm, heal and relieve back pain in your time of need! The Soothing Sports are available in various essential oils as are many of the other wheat bags if you’d like to head over to Aroma Soothz website and have a look for yourself. With all the hormones running around in that ‘preggy’ body of yours, we can only imagine how heated things must be on a daily basis. Why not heat things up in the best way possible with your Soothing Wheat Bag!
P.S. Don’t forget to check out our maternity tips & tricks on Facebook and Instagram.