Celebrating Pink or Blue

Celebrating Pink or Blue

The gender reveal trend is showing no signs of slowing down. As they become increasingly more popular, they have become more and more creative! Not only are Mom and Dads-to-be revealing the gender to their loved ones, but they are coupling the announcement with a bang: colourful smoke, fireworks or confetti that represents the gender: Pink or Blue.

As gender reveal parties are more popular than ever before, we have decided to put together a few tips and tricks to help you plan the perfect one!

First things first, an ultrasound.

So, you may be wondering how you can plan a gender reveal party when you don’t know the sex? Well, here’s how it works. Around 20 weeks pregnant, you will need to schedule an ultrasound. When the sonographer asks if you would like to know the sex, ask him/her to write it on a piece of paper and seal it in an envelope. Alternatively, you can find out what the gender is and then reveal the sex to your family and friends; this still makes for a fun, exciting way to break the news!

Choose a theme

There are so many exquisite themes to choose from! While most gender reveal parties have a pink and blue theme, others are a little more personal. Whatever you do, decide on a theme that’s personal and special to you. Here are some of our personal favourites.

Pink and Blue will always do
There are so many unique and whimsical ways to host a pink and blue
gender reveal. Picture pink and blue cupcakes, napkins, balloons and party games. It’s also nice to lay out options for your guests to choose
from so you cansee what they think the sex would be –
like these candy floss sticks!



What could it Bee?
This is a lovely gender-neutral option that gets everyone buzzing with
excitement. Think lots of yellow, black stripes, honeycomb and of course, a Bee pinata!




Bow or Bow-tie?
Forget pink and blue, ‘bow or bow-tie’ is the new! For a more formal
and modern look, black and white parties are a must! From mini
bow-ties to black and white balloons, this chic theme is bound
to please any Bellyssimom.





Set a date

Like most important occasions, it’s important to send out your invitations at least 5 weeks in advance. Don’t forget to include a brief explanation of what a gender reveal is – it’s a fairly new trend and not everyone has had the pleasure of attending one!


Pick a way to reveal the gender

This is the most important part! You may have been planning this for a couple weeks, maybe even months, and now is your time to announce! This is your big moment!
There are so many exciting and extraordinary ways to reveal your little one’s sex. Here are just a few of our favourites:

1. Pink or Blue Smoke Bombs or Powder






2. Pink or Blue confetti – Pop a balloon and find out the gender






3. A cake or cupcake with a gender neutral frosting and pink orblue interior






4. Pink or blue helium balloons into a sealed box; open the box
and let the balloons fly out to reveal your baby’s gender






5. Get a piñata and fill it with blue or pink items – let your guests
all find out together!








Plan your outfit
Like most important occasions, it’s important to send out your invitations at least 5 weeks in advance. Don’t forget to include a brief explanation of what a gender reveal is – it’s a fairly new trend and not everyone has had the pleasure of attending one!


There’s always time for games
It’s always a good idea to think of some fun activities that everyone can engage in. Divide your guests into Pink and Blue teams and have them compete against each other. Some games include guessing the baby’s name, pass the parcel, diaper changing games, ‘name the baby food’, and of course – guess the gender. Give them a try – I mean, what could go wrong?


Capture the memories
It’s so important to create these special memories, but it’s just as important to capture them! Whether you want to hire a photographer and videographer or assign a friend to take some pics, this special day requires documentation! It’s one of the most precious occasions and it’s important to remember it. Alternatively, get creative!


  • Hand out a few disposable cameras for your guests to take photos on and leave with you, That way you capture personal, fun, in-the-moment pictures on your special event.
  • Leave a polaroid camera on a table and encourage your guests to take photos and write a little message on the back of their photo.
  • Run a hashtag and encourage your guests to use it so can see all the pictures taken throughout the day.

Whether you are more inclined to host a small and intimate gender reveal with close family and friends or an extravagant affair, we know this will help you plan the ultimate reveal!

Happy Planning!

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