03 Sep 5 Trendy Preggie Fashion Tips
We know, not everyone has the time to keep up with the latest trends, nevermind having to do so when you have a bump involved. However, it’s completely possible! The secret is, it’s actually not about keeping up, it’s about setting the trends. Now, setting trends is not the first thing on your mind when you wake up in the morning. In fact it’s probably the last! Well, we at Bellyssimo have got you covered! We set the trends and you feel glamorous wearing them, effortlessly!
1. Keep it simple!
You don’t want a fuss & bustle when you are out and about, Minimise your items, layers are cool, but you usually find your have too much to carry at the end of the day. A pair of leggings, and a cute top with a cardigan at the ready. We want hands free mamas!
2. Show off your bump!
A tighter top shows off your curves, and we know it’s all about the bump! We love bumps! If you are having a not so confident day go with a complimentary babydoll styled top.
3. Find Items that can be worn in more than one way!
Lets face it, life is busy and we don’t get round to changing for all the different events when we want to. Tops that can be worn in different ways are perfect for any occasion! Have a look at our beautiful batwing tops – they are super flattering with some trendy flare and can be worn in 3 different ways from Desk to dinner !
4. When in doubt, Put on them tights!
Tights are in trend this winter and every winter going forward! You can never have enough tights! Where them with large T-Shirt tops, wear them with short skirts, underneath dresses or even with a pair of shorts. Versatility is key!
5. Wrap it up!
Keep your bump wrapped up in a stylish top and stay warm at the same time! You can wear wrap items with just about anything! Have a look at our Wendy wrap tops and Donna wrap tops.They flatter all your curves and add a stylish flare! The Wendy wrap tops can be worn in different ways for, again… there’s the magic word… versatility! Wrap up your bump, Tie it back with a big bow, wear it below the belly or even above the belly for a baby doll appearance.
Bellyssimo believes in setting trend to suit your comfort zone while looking fabulous at the same time! It’s all possible and we have proved it! Have a look at our awesome new arrivals online and find the perfect preggie items to add to your wardrobe!